Friday 11 December 2015

St. Peter's Church

Last Thursday we spent the morning at St. Peter's Church. After phonics we walked up a big hill from school to the Church, it took us half an hour! 

When we got to the church we met a man called Ian who took us through the grounds. He showed us a special little door that was used by the Vicar in the past because it meant they had to bow to show respect as they entered the Church. Outside we also saw that the building had been made bigger as more people visit it and the colour of the stone changed. 

When we walked inside, the Church was gigantic! The ceilings were so high. First Ian told us about the things that were in the Church. Then it was our turn to do some work and we were given a booklet with things to find like the Font, stained glass windows and the Pulpit. 

Then we had to draw our favourite part of the Church. 'My favourite part ws the glass windows because they were really pretty.' - Imogen. 'My favourite part was the Pulpit because I like that everyone can hear you talk when you stand there!' -Manjot. We also had to write down the special celebrations that happen in a Church like weddings, services and Baptisms. 

Finally we ended our trip by having a drink and  biscuit, which were super yummy and gave us energy for the long walk back to school!

By Manjot and Imogen