Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Becoming Rolls Royce Engineers

On Wednesday we were given boarding passes to let us go on a very special journey after phonics. We went to the hall to find lots of chairs set out like an aeroplane. Before we could sit down the crew checked our boarding passes. When we were seated the team from Rolls Royce introduced themselves by telling us their names and job. 

Our first destination on our trip was to Stony Rock Island. We had to call for Rocky, someone from the island that needed our help. When Rocky arrived he explained that the island was empty and full of stones so he had nowhere to sit. Our first challenge was to make ourselves into furniture for Rocky's home so that he had somewhere to sit. We made ourselves into sofa's, chairs, beds, tables and even a fridge! We got back on the plane to learn 3 buzzwords about what we had done. They were teamwork, problem solving and communication.

Our second destination was Energy Bay. This time we had to shout Dudey. He needed our help to learn how energy changes things. We learnt that object + energy = action. This is like when a lightbulb receives electricity it gives it enough energy to light up. In our teams we had to be air particles and move through the engine. We had to start out low to the floor and cramped together. Then we started to spin as we gained energy, next we jumped up and down as our energy was almost full and finally the air particles were released and we had to run out of the engine. The 3 buzzwords we learnt on this island were air, energy and thrust.

Our last leg of the journey was to the Isle of Industry. We arrived to help our friend the Professor who told us how new things are manufactured. First you have to draw a blueprint, then you have to build a model and finally you have to try it. We practiced this by making our own paper aeroplanes from a plan. When we had all made one we tested them in groups to find who's aeroplane went the furthest. We learnt 3 more buzzwords and they were design, make and test.

Finally we flew home to Derby. We thought that the whole morning was amazing, and taught us how to be engineers. In Class 9 lots of us now want to work for Rolls Royce as engineers!

By Class 9