Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Our fantastic new topic!

This half term we're learning about forests. So far we have learned the layers of a forest: the forest floor, the herb layer, the shrub layer, the understory, the canopy and the emergent layer. This is very tricky indeed! Did you know a forest is different to a wood because a forest has more trees and they are closer together than in a wood?
In science we are learning about living and non-living things and today we drew and labelled plants and trees. We even got to look closely at pansies to see their different parts. Next week we will be planting bean seeds in different areas to see if they will grow or not. We predict that the soil will be the best because you always plant seeds in soil. We also think that sand might be good because there is water beneath sand and some plants grow in deserts.
We are very excited to go on our adventure to Sherwood Forest tomorrow. What an amazing time we will have! Amelia really wants to ask Robin Hood some questions. For example, how do you help the animals in the forest? Emma is hoping we get to meet Robin Hood and his friends, maybe Little John.
After the trip we will be writing an interesting recount of what we did, what we saw and what we heard. Please come back and check later in the week to read all about what we got up to!

By Emma and Amelia