Monday, 15 February 2016

Marvellous M.A.D.D Week

This week is M.A.D.D Week! This means we have a really fun week focusing on Music, Art, Dance and Drama. At the start of the week we had an assembly from Mrs Gray about our special week. We went through the letters and saw something exciting for each letter. 'M' for Music -we sang our school song. 'A' for Art-  children from each class showed some of their artwork, in our class Emilija showed a piece of chalk work. 'D' for Dance- Class 5 showed us their Scottish dance. Finally 'D' for Drama- Mrs Gray talked about our School Pantomime and we practised shouting "Come In" when we hear a knock at the door. 

After assembly we started our week with some art. We used watercolour paints to create colourful, eye-catching Chameleons. We had to use lots of water to make sure the different colours blended together. After we practised on our small Chameleon, we then made a larger Chameleon for the hall to show one of our school values - Considering Chameleon. 

On Tuesday our day started with an exciting and energetic assembly from Ashley from West End In School. He showed us lots of different types of dance like Ballet, Tap and Hip-Hop dancing. When we heard we were first to work with Ashley we were over the moon! In our workshop we did dancing through the ages, starting with the Charleston, which was interesting because it was something we hadn't heard of before. We also did Rock n' Roll and disco dancing, which was really fun because we got to learn lots of different types of dance. Ashley was a brilliant dancer and we all had a big smile on our faces throughout!

On Tuesday afternoon we created our own play to show to the rest of Year 2 on Thursday. Our performance is about a Chameleon that is a little bit down in the dumps because he was disappointed that he was grey and didn't have a special talent. He went on a journey and discovered a rainbow, but did he get his colours? The children worked in 3 groups to add different things to our play. One group tried really hard to create an exciting super rainbow dance to dazzle our audience. Another group created realistic rain sounds using instruments like maracas, drums and tambourines! Our final group were amazing animal actors and they were fantastic at remembering their lines. 

On Thursday we got to perform our Chameleon play, we were a little bit nervous before but we managed to put on a great performance. Class 9 went first and we even added a bonus song at the end! Next went Class 8 and they did an incredible performance about the Discussion Dolphin (we liked the songs best!). Finally Class 7 performed and they did a marvellous guessing game to get the audience guessing which school value they had focused on, we discovered it was the Active Ant. 

We are really happy that we have got to learn lots of new things during M.A.D.D week and we loved every minute of it!

By Class 9